The numbers do speak volumes.
Mobiles phones are a huge, gathering force in the media platform web, and they're decreasingly being used to do any talking at all.
According to a couple of media research outfits;
32% of new phones are smartphones.
- so why would that be? Palm-sized computers? The greatest use of these devices are respectively - social media, web browsing, research.
62% of carrier data traffic is ... iPhone usage.
- iPhones account for only about 1% of mobile devices. Think about that - provide usability, a desirable product and marketplace, and uptake hits the roof.
4.1 billion handsets.
- OMG, as the texters would say. SMS texting is doubling yearly, and the number of messages outnumber phone conversations more than 10 to 1.
The first webpage was created in August 1994.
The first SMS message was sent in December 1995.
The conversation is changing - there is a widely divergent pattern of use of mobile devices.
Stattaco stream-of-consciousness (SMS, Twitter) and rich media experiences (web applications, gaming).
Both are opportunities, neither are the web we knew, and the pace of change is exciting and disruptive for models built on scarcity and inertia.