Saturday, June 7, 2008

Our Process: a step-by-step

You can take away 'Our Process' as homework: what do you know, or think you know, about your online marketplace?

A typical engagement starts with:

Business Research Interview
Your viewpoint on your markets:
  • what makes you unique, distinctive,
  • what are the major drivers in your industry,
  • who do you feel are your main and indirect competition,
  • what are known and assumed audience influencers,
  • and what are the audience segments you are currently aware of

Business Web Marketplace Profile
Obtain all the information that will allow you to craft winning messages:
  • Unique propositions,
  • distinctive characteristics,
  • industry influences and trends,
  • who is really the competition,
  • revealed audience factors and segments

Put all this good stuff on the road and monitor, test, and refine:
  • Campaign design - use existing website as baseline
  • Campaign launch
  • Campaign monitoring and adjustment
  • Campaign review (1,2,3 week, 1 per month)
  • Website campaign modifications - high-value indicated modifications to organization, features and content
  • Website search profile improvement - fold in learning from campaigns, monitor and adjust to seasonality